Lead Abatement
Three Levels of Lead Abatement and three types of lead abaters:
- Low Risk- Is covering a leaded surface and removing a hinged door or window.
- Moderate Risk- Is removing, replacing and scrapping small areas of loose lead paint.
- High Risk- Is Scrapping large areas of loose paint and complete removal of lead paint from a surface.
It is generally how you repair a violation not what the violation is on.
Low Risk lead abatement can be done by someone over 18 that read the Owner Agent Low Risk Deleading pamphlet, taken the quiz, sent it into the state and has been sent an OL (owner Low)or AL(agent Low) number issued. There is also another low risk pamphlet for encapsulating. Encapsulants are basically paints that dry thick and hard to cover lead paint. You will also need to read the Encapsulation Training Hand Book, take, send in the quiz and wait for the OE (owner encapsulant)or AE (agent encapsulant) number to be sent to you. If you take both quizzes you will be sent a OB(owner Both) or AB (agent Both) number.
Moderate risk abatement includes the low risk activities as well as removal and replacement of components — this does not include walls. It also allows the moderate risk abator to scrape small areas of loose paint. There are two types of moderate risk lead abators — the ones who are certified through the DPH, CLPPP (Department of Public Health, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program) and the ones licensed through DLWD (Department of Labor and Workforce Development). The people certified through CLPPP are either Homeowners or agents of Homeowners. The people licensed through DLWD are contractors. CLPPP requires 8 hours of training and them you would need to pass a test. After that they would send you a certification number. DLWD requires 8 hours of training for the RRP rules and 12 hours of training for Moderate risk lead abatement. The contractor also has to pass a test and pay a $450 fee before receiving a license number.
High Risk Lead Paint abatement includes what is allowed for Low and Moderate risk and demolition, wall removal, scraping loose paint and removal of just the lead paint. This work is done by a Licensed Deleading Contractor.
Contact us today in Springfield, Massachusetts, and let us offer the lead testing and removal services you seek.